Daily Archives: April 15, 2013

Kai Too

While Teo is big news, his older brother is dazzling all of us as well. We’ve been hitting the streets a lot to give mom some space, and it’s been a lot of fun hanging out in Berlin, trying new dining options, and exploring new parks. Even at home, we are settling back down into routine of bath, books, and bed. Yesterday Kai was so exhausted he was asleep before 10pm for the first time in a week. Hopefully the trend continues!

Teo Week 1

Everyone is now home (which unfortunately includes Megumi who went back to Japan) and we are starting to try to build a normal routine with our two boys. It’s tough work, and doesn’t leave lots of room for non-family activities, but we did enjoy nice dinners together Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights. In addition spring has come and hopefully we will all be out strolling the streets of Prenzlauerberg soon.