Category Archives: Kai


We decided to move the Saturday brunch activity to Sunday so we could go exploring some new bio shops in Prenzlauerberg (which had a great apple cinnamon tea) and since Kai had such a good time at the kinder cafe the week before it was an easy decision to visit again since it was on the way home.  Kai was having so much fun he stayed up way past his normal nap time, just like his parents (at least the way we used to be).

A weekend of eating

A brisk and cold weekend in Berlin, but we still adventured out into the city multiple times on Saturday.  We started with Kai’s multi-course breakfast around 5:30am (note, 2 additional fruit courses not pictured here.)  The first place was Barcomi’s Deli — with some solid bagels and a creative version of the reuben (Yukie really enjoyed it — a unique taste not offered by many sandwiches).  And later in the evening Chika and I went to Kimchi Princess, which was excellent Korean food almost rivaling New York.

Sunday was a bit too cold, so we ate in with french toast in the morning and pasta (with a mushroom cream sauce) in the evening. We gave Kai just plain pasta.  I don’t know how much he thinks of the taste, but it is definitely a fun food to eat.  In any case, it’s time for the rest of us to start dieting.

Mom is back! Brunch celebration ensues

It seemed longer, but Yukie’s 2 week departure was a new family adventure of mama, papa, and Kai all day everyday (with some babysitter help).  A wonderful experience, but we are glad to have mom back.  To celebrate, we went to an upscale Chinese buffet at Ming Dynastie across the way from the Chinese Embassy.  It was quite satisfying, and Kai ate it up.  Literally.

Superhero training

So we haven’t worked out the plans for leaping over a building in a single bound, but Kai certainly aims to someday lift a car over his head, or at least the box that the car came in for this case.  By popular demand (pop-pop loved this video), we bring it to you here.



Kai’s First Real Restaurant Experiencee

Yes, Kai has been to restaurants before, but usually sleeping or eating food we brought with us.  But now, Kai is a true customer.  He had woken up a little earlier from his nap than usual in the middle of our lunch, so we just asked for a high-chair and gave it a go.  We quickly realized that buffet is the right way to go in these situations.  You can select from the foods which you think he might like, and not worry about the cost (zero) or if he likes it or not.  It turns out, he was into most things including noodles, fish, rice, miso soup and almond jelly was one of his favorites.  Now we also have a new favorite lunch place to go for the family to enjoy (details after the photos).

Enjoying nowhere holiday

It was a last minute decision to go out — the rain had stopped, and our morning playdate had cancelled.  All the old routine came back in force — packing all the requirements for a journey, e.g. food, diapers, clothes, drinks.  But in actuality things went quite smooth.  We explored a new Vietnamese cafe (although the owner almost scared us off saying there might not be room for the stroller, but in the end there were 3 tables occupied in the whole place) and a Italian wine bar/cafe waiting for the Vietnamese place to open.  In fact, Kai cooperated by sleeping so long we were almost late getting home to meet the baby sitter later in the day.  But we did manage to spend some time with Kai cruising around in his new boots around the mall.  Now inspired, I think we will try to be more adventurous when given the chance.

Festival of Lights

It brings back great memories as a child lighting the menorah with Kai.  I remember gathering around in our kitchen every night for the 8 day festival.  Sometimes the presents were good.  Sometimes they may have been practical.  But always was a special time to be with family. And it was really special to have this with our own family.