Category Archives: Kai

Teo Week 1

Everyone is now home (which unfortunately includes Megumi who went back to Japan) and we are starting to try to build a normal routine with our two boys. It’s tough work, and doesn’t leave lots of room for non-family activities, but we did enjoy nice dinners together Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights. In addition spring has come and hopefully we will all be out strolling the streets of Prenzlauerberg soon.

Settling In With Teo

We ended up bringing Teo home a day early due to so many new incoming deliveries (it’s true about this Prenzlauerberg baby boom). Happily, Teo was in perfect health and got the full green light to become our ward. We decided to keep the first meeting with Kai until Sunday morning to have everyone at their best disposition. And so far, the two brothers seem to be getting along well — even when they are not sleeping 🙂 Could Chika have asked for a better birthday present (I don’t think so)?

Kai Reading

Kai continues to WOW us with his skills.  While Kai has read parts of Brown Bear before, he can just about read the entire book cover to cover.  While he may cheat a bit looking forward for cues about the next animal, mama and papa are both very proud.

P.S. Extra bonus for this post. We finally crossed 100,000 page views and we aren’t even publicly searchable.

Back in the Water

Kai just had his tubes taken out of his ears finally, so we decided not to waste any time and found a central pool heated to Chika’s specifications at the Therman am Europa Center.  It was more spa/onsen style than a real swimming pool, but a perfect entry to get Kai started on the road to a life at the beach.