Tag Archives: Berlin

The McDonald’s Experiment

I had a craving for McDonald’s (it had been a late night out), and since I was taking Kai out for the morning I thought why not give in and let Kai enjoy. Chika even gave the green light so we were all set. But then things didn’t go as planned. First he rejected the french fry. Then the french fry dipped in ketchup (although I do admit the German ketchup is a bit more bitter). But then in the end he finally rejected the cheeseburger.

I can’t complain being the father of a 2 year old that eats broccoli, spinach, etc. but is not seduced by McDonald’s (or even pizza for that matter). But I was kind of hoping to have one of those special first moments together.

Xmas Market at Charlottenburg Schloss (aka Kai’s First Road Test)

It turns out that Xmas day in Berlin isn’t some ghost town, and in fact we couldn’t even fit in all the things we wanted to do.  Call us last minute, but we did finally make it to the Xmas market finally today, and we discovered Kai’s shared passion for amusements.  It was a struggle pulling him away from the rides.


The Xmas Eve Dinner

It was a special evening.  New friends and old friends.  The holiday season.  And a perfectly planned soiree by Chika.  Everyone had great food, drink, and fun.  And both the parents and kids were able to enjoy.  I look forward to the next years Xmas Eve dinner.

Xmas Eve Dinner